This is the view from the ped/bike bridge crossing the railroad tracks on the eastside. The big black double decker bridge is the Steel Bridge (built in 1912). Bikes/Peds/Cargo & Passenger trains use the lower deck, while cars/buses/& light rail use the upper deck. The lower deck raises multiple times daily to let ships through and occasionally the upper deck raises if it's a super big ship. It's pretty interesting to watch. Hopefully I'll be able to get a video of the bridge operation.
The next bridge down is the Burnside Bridge, which also allows ships to go through, although not quite as interesting as the Steel Bridge.
The pink trees are cherry trees I believe and they run pretty much the entire length of Waterfront Park. The smell through the area is incredible (good, that is!).
To the far left is the I-5/I-84 interchange mess. My place of work is right at the end of the Steel Bridge and you can look out the window and this interchange looks like a parking lot pretty much all day. One more reason not to drive to work!
Forgive the panorama quality. I did not have a tripod nor did I take the time to "fix it up" in photoshop.